
MA Fox is an American expatriate who now resides in suburban Adelaide, South Australia. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Classical History, Monica channels her love of the ancient world into her fictional work.

Her debut novel, “Blood on the Tiber”, explores the vampire creation myth in 1st century AD Rome. The Romans have sieged and destroyed much of the holy city of Jerusalem. In an attempt to win back the favour and trust of the Jewish populace, a council of cursed immortals send a warrior, Sarai, and her protégé to the capital of the enemy to retrieve stolen relics. What they find across the Mediterranean leaves Sarai shaken to the core and questioning her very existence. The immortal will never be the same again.

When Monica isn’t writing, you can find her doodling, meditating, or staring blankly at a computer screen. She cohabitates with her husband, Rico the Chihuahua, and a fat cat.


Connect with MA Fox on social media:

Twitter: @mafoxauthor

Instagram: @mafoxauthor

Tumblr: http://mafoxauthor.tumblr.com/