Featuring stories from 10 new and vibrant authors, each of whom are current or former students of Swinburne University of Technology’s Master of Arts (Writing) program, this anthology will transport you into another time, and another place.

(Attributed to Monica Cook)

Deep within the bowels of The Con are untold secrets and treasures to be gleaned if you are willing to don costumes appropriate to the genre and arm yourself with the correct accessories. The question remains though, what will it cost you and can you get out alive? Let your curiosity lead you into the next issue of Con(viction) where convention attendees hold all the cards and weave macabre tales of untimely demise. And when the end of life leads to more pressing matters, the dead find ways to speak their mind.

(Attributed to Monica Cook)

Fairy-tales, myths and fables spark the imagination. They give us hints of insight, windows and snapshots of greater stories. On the surface, however, these tales are simply entertaining. But what if that’s not enough? After Lines takes the classically told fairy-tale, myth, legend, or fable, and brings its hidden complexity to the surface.